An Internal Pas de deux

Choreography: Charlotte Wade

Composer: Byron Horne


Stephanie Cheong (cello)

Jenifer Angelina (violin)


Marta Guerra Doblas

Tom Timothy Yugen

Lighting: Mikkel Svak

An internal pas de deux investigates the bodies

response when under a state of fatigue. With Marta

playing the mind and Tom the body, the

piece explores the interrelationship and

conversation that takes place when an individual is

feeling the restraints of fatigue.

Charlotte wade


Charlotte Wade is a choreographer, dancer, and teacher from Cambridge who is currently based in London. Charlotte is in her third year of training at Middlesex University where she is studying for a BA Hons in Dance with specialisation in Choreography. In her choreographies, she takes inspiration from dance artists such as Pina Bausch as well as drawing upon practitioners she researched whilst studying drama such as Antonin Artaud to create thought-provoking pieces with the main aim that the audience resonates with the narrative driven by their own experiences to create a story that is wholly personalised.



Byron is an accomplished multi-instrumentalist with a passion for theatre and live music. Whilst studying conducting at Middlesex University, London, he has taken on a range of challenges including arranging for chamber ensembles and choirs and experimenting with new recording techniques with his fellow musicians. Byron is passionate about the space between music and theatre and has been pioneering contemporary musical performances with young composers from across London.


  • Marta Guerra Doblas

    Marta Guerra Doblas

    Guest artist (MDX graduate 2023)

  • Tom Timothy Yugen

    Tom Timothy Yugen

    guest artist (MDX graduate 2023)